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  • you rock, but where can i find the music you play
    roy on September 18, 2005
  • I Was wondering i probably have to pay you. No Dj Dose this for free. Can You Make Me a 60 Min Trance Mix. On 1 Mp3. I am a dj but i am doing this show and i only have dance music Not trance. I Am in love with trance. If someone was to give me 5000 cds with trance. I'd Flip. I Understand out there there are trance stuff that was orgignally dance I Don't really like that as much as. International Global Grooves. Anything in another languge weather i know it or not and its trance i love it. Email me
    Kenneth on September 17, 2005
  • Kristina, I had fun chillin with you back in July. Are you going to be in SF for love parade?
    Sheila from Atlanta on September 13, 2005
  • Kristina I'm your biggest fan You know who I am You're simply amazing Love me
    Me on September 13, 2005
  • Hey Kristina~! This is Sandy, I've spotted you ever since you were a resident @ CLub Heaven and fell in love with your music! I met you once, and you've seen me at parties-I'm pretty sure you don't remember but I think if you saw me you would. :) Just wanted to drop by and show you some love, and consider me as one of your biggest fans! See you at the next party~!
    Sandy on September 12, 2005
  • Can't see you @ Spundae... but will definetly download the set! Love to hear the ladies spinnin'. Keep it up.
    Mushi Pastry on September 9, 2005
  • Look forward to seeing you here in San Diego. I love your reminds me of home.
    Lisa on September 9, 2005
  • Love your spinning. Can't wait to see you again!!!!!!!!!!
    Sal Garcia on September 7, 2005
  • Looking forward to seeing you w/ KvA, Kristina!! :)
    Sheffy @ TA on September 2, 2005
  • hey girl, its Randy's friend for San Diego. I'm sure you're all set with advertisment. I look forward to seeing you. Lisa
    Lisa on September 1, 2005

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