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  • Kristina love your site!!!When are you going to put more of your mixes? Love listening to you, tania, and all trrance DJ's. Mucho Amor! Sal
    Sal Garcia on November 15, 2005
  • Cool Site, Good luck with your efforts. Found you through myspace search
    msparks on November 6, 2005
  • Liked your site and digged the live sets too, keep reaching for the stars cause your not that far away now!!
    Nathan on November 1, 2005
  • Very Tiesto like.. melodic... moving... very talented...instant fan of hers after one viewing... she understands the crowd nd the music
    Pasha Paran on October 31, 2005
  • Killer Anjunabeats tribute set kristina. Checked out the pics from spundae with tania and armin... damn shame i'm on the east coast, I would've loved to had been there. Keep at it!
    Scott AKA Sanctifyd on October 31, 2005
  • I love your sound ... I love trance music!!! Hope to see you soon at any event. Take care, ciao Edo
    Edoardo on October 31, 2005
  • Good sets on your site, I got my hands on one "01-kristina_sky-live_at_resident_nation-sat-08-20-2005" that was absolutely spectacular...keep up the good work, and come dj in NYC some day.
    Shep on October 28, 2005
  • tuned in to your live set. sounded great.
    roy on October 22, 2005
  • nice website :) Hope to catch you of
    Bevan Williamson on October 21, 2005
  • Hey girl, this set you put down on sept. 21st is umm like really GOOD!! I loved hearing some of that new Van Dyke up in it.
    steve on October 19, 2005

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