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  • Your puppy is CUTE!
    Alison on December 1, 2005
  • Heard ya on myspace. I can't wait to see you live.. keep up the good work
    jeremy on November 29, 2005
  • I love your are by far the best female dj around. GOOD LUCK!!
    Lady D on November 29, 2005
  • Hey Kristina hows you aint spoken to you in ages ahah hope things are going well im assuming you still busy as always HAHA speak soon peace out
    Klear on November 29, 2005
  • I have seen you several times and you are amazing!! I am looking forward to seeing you Saturday night at Spundae!
    D on November 25, 2005
  • I played one of your sets for my boss. It has now become our workday soundtrack. Thanks again.
    E-SmooVe on November 25, 2005
  • Sorry I've missed the last couple of shows, but your broadcast sets have been top-notch. Thank you for sharing your unique talent with the world, we need it.
    E-SmooVe on November 25, 2005
  • Just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your investment in musical scene. Thanks for the musique... With Love, Cristian+Erika Paduraru
    paduraru on November 21, 2005
  • Wow. You definatley have some great music, keep up the good work. Cant wait for more sweet Choons!!!
    Remus on November 17, 2005
  • I met you one night after an evening at Spundae last year. You were promoting/passing out fylers for Heaven. I heard you once there and then again a few months ago when Armin was at Spundae. Your set was amazing! I'm very impressed with you. I see that you'll be spinning with Ferry in SD... very cool! Anyway, just dropping a note to show my support and affirm your talent. Can't wait for next Wed. at Pearl. Tasha
    Tasha on November 16, 2005

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