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  • Hey, keep doin what you do, I know it takes alot of work to get there, im tryin hard to get there, but respect on the work your doin, it sounds great, later Ruda
    DJ RUDA on January 13, 2006
  • ey!! its really impresive ur profile and i would like to get to know ya cuz the idea of girls beeing djs is really cool! so write me back i would like to ask u some quiestions
    jose on January 13, 2006
  • you are sooo hot!!!! i LOVE YOU. You r the best dj n the whole world....hope to see you soon
    micaela on January 11, 2006
  • nice site, nice music:) CeeP iT CoMMiNG
    .: ToGGi :. on January 11, 2006
  • You rock... listening to your mixes for a while... hopefully I will be able to catch you out here in the OC or up in LA at Spundae...keep on making the great tracks!!!
    Aime Montero on January 9, 2006
  • Liquid chill... you have a new following on the east coast! WE LOVE YOU!
    Sula on January 6, 2006
  • Kristina you get better with every new set! Well designed webpage as well! thanks for everything!
    Ben Semmes on January 5, 2006
  • only wanna say : KRISTINA YOUR ARE SO COOL ¡¡¡¡¡¡ u have a new fan: me
    michael on January 4, 2006
  • The sets just keep getting better and better. I can't sleep thinking of what you have in store for us on NYE. :P The site is awesome b.t.w.
    Dennis on December 28, 2005
  • Hey girl, can't wait for New Year's! Miss you! B
    Brian Bartel on December 24, 2005

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