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  • Awesome set @ Intuition Radio this evening. Really enjoyed it!! Keep it up!! Tomax
    Dj Tomax on April 26, 2006
  • Good job! but bring back vinyls!:S DJs take too much CDs now...
    Mateo on April 21, 2006
  • isn't the people from central US alive? im at wash dc and man, this is so borring cause there's no psytrance parties near. im from portugal and definetly u have gotta learn with us!!!!!!!!!1
    snap on April 20, 2006
  • Hey Kristina, I just downloaded some of your sets. Awesome stuff. This is the first that I am hearing about you. There is definitely somin sexy about a female trance dj :) Planning on coming to Vegas in the near future? Dal
    Nick on April 19, 2006
  • awsome music! truely amazing!
    Joel on April 17, 2006
  • Hey...just wanted to say that were great last Sat, (4-1-06). I'm so happy that you are now a resident at's just more of a reason to come to Hollywood almost every Sat. Like I said before, you have that special nitch to getting the crowd jumping....don't ever lose it K. Sky Much love from me and my trance buddies.... -Mike
    Mike Rose on April 3, 2006
  • rock it rock it rock it! cant wait till i get to hear you spin again! my gf sparkle (whom you met and recieved a demo from at club heaven once) recorded an epic trance set. 3x3 switchoffs, 12 tracks. its pretty beautiful. id like you to hear it and tell me what you think! keep the love live and flowin!
    Professor West on April 1, 2006
  • new web interface.. nice!
    aditama on March 29, 2006
  • i was checking out your track selection??? and very wise!!! i have to say hit me up on Check ya later
    Nate Regidor on March 28, 2006
  • I'm so buzzed for Coachella. See you there untill then I'll have to download!
    Elder_Pilot on March 21, 2006

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