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  • Some great mixes. Hope to see you around the chicago or DC area soon.
    Chia Tan on June 24, 2006
  • very nice. Drop me a line sometime soon xx
    Joey Vasquez on June 24, 2006
  • I Love Ur Mix
    Fazal on June 24, 2006
  • i think your music is great !!!! your are the best female dj that i ever heard ! your music make my soul and mind fly away to paradise ! thanks for your music ! so go on you great job! greetings from a little country of dracula :p
    angel of dark on June 22, 2006
  • Love, Peace, and Ecstasy! The Sky is the limit!
    TRANCEporter on June 21, 2006
  • where are you spinning this saturday with dj doran? Dj doran is one of the worlds greatest djs, besides dj kristinasky of course.
    mike kim on June 8, 2006
  • I seen you on the 6th at afterlife in irving you were really good im gonna look out for your next apearence
    ELMO on May 27, 2006
  • Hey there, great site, enjoyed looking at it.
    Patrick Johnson on May 25, 2006
  • You are better than Frosted Flakes cuz they're GRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!!
    Terry on May 24, 2006
  • Great site Music is my motor, keep on Krsitina!
    lennyboy on May 23, 2006

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