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  • Your music makes my spine chill and the hairs on the back on my neck stand up. You are THE best!
    Josh on September 6, 2006
  • Love ya at the ranch, as always. yer fans-
    Meathead on August 28, 2006
  • Dear Kristina Sky. Here iam Just dropped by and want to say hi .
    Reeko on August 20, 2006
  • I love trance. I've never heard anything like your music:) Thanks for the best mixes. I sleep well at night now. TEXAS LOVE Albert
    Albert on August 20, 2006
  • YOu blow it up girl
    steve white on August 17, 2006
  • i like to have a cd of cristina sky vrs victor dinaire.couse i like it .thansk
    luis s pantoja on August 11, 2006
  • Phoenix is like 5hrs away! Get over here babe!! God gets his mixes from Kris.. :D
    MILLERTIME on August 11, 2006
  • Do I have your permission to make a "I left my girlfriend for DJ Kristina Sky" t-shirt for personal use??
    Jeff on August 10, 2006
  • 8.5.06. See...your set blew me into next month!!
    me again on August 10, 2006
  • Saw u on vacation at spundae 9.5.06. The club was DEAD until you jumped on the decks. Talk about kicking off a night!! We need you in Chicago! I'll buy the plane ticket!
    Jarrod on August 10, 2006

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