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  • Your mixes are really very good. I hope that I will see you in France to see and hear your last creations. I've turned a lot of friends on to you. Continue your awesome work. biz. bye bye
    C2L@B@B@LL3 on October 4, 2006
  • Nice set for your presentation on deep blue radio ^^. I am proud of you to do all those nice songs (and to allow us downloading them for free :P) I hope digging out of my hole and comming see you @ the Spundae...When will you settle up some tour in france??? Bonne continuation!! ps: sorry for my english..I am sure that I have written some kind of amazing stuffs that I could never find by myself...:$
    yarr on October 4, 2006
  • Hey Kristina.. I loved working with you on Saturday Night at the Love Fest After Party! Being right back stage was an awesome job and I have got to thank you so much for the autograph and the picture with Paul!! You nver told me you were a DJ yourself.. Now i want your autograph too LOL gotta get it now before you become world famous and forget all of us little people. LOL
    Danni (Security) on September 25, 2006
  • Kristina! The after party was amazing, I can't wait to get to your next event, I along with my brother, and DJ George will be there to support you! Your music is awesome, thanks so much. Good luck.
    Kevin on September 24, 2006
  • Girl ive been listening to you since i moved up here a year ago...i love your style and you never let me down. Keep up the good work, ive turned alot of friends on to you. Hope to hear you again soon at spundae in your upcomming events.
    Mark Olson on September 15, 2006
  • No matter what mix i download ... theres never one i dont like ... keep doin what you're doin .. and dont quit!
    Georgina on September 14, 2006
  • good mix!!!
    jamie on September 11, 2006
  • I´ll listen up your set..peace
    mark on September 10, 2006
  • I had the pleasure of seeing you live at Spundae on July 1st! You are spimply GREAT!! Thank you for everything you do :-)
    Aneline on September 9, 2006
  • I look forward in seeing you live one day. I can only imagine how intense of a music journey you create. RELEASE THE FURY!!!!!!! <3Terr Bear
    Terry on September 7, 2006

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