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  • Hi kris its me Mike, I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me and my friends when we were in L.A. I spent all my money in vegas but I will call you in person when I get paid. Thanks again MIKE
    Mike from Canada on December 3, 2006
  • I'm Dieing over ur Space, I'm In Love:)))))))))))))))) plz Check out my: If u have Free Time. Ur musics Awe some I like Them:)) See U!!!
    DJ Tanude on November 19, 2006
  • Love you music! Keep it up! Good Luck! Huge Fan, Levi
    Levi on November 18, 2006
  • Ohhh you got me in your hands when i hear your sets!! Thanks for being so kind.... much luv..
    TeachThemWell… on November 13, 2006
  • Hello Kristina!! Your last song, recorded during the spund-o-ween night is absolutely handsome!!! I have turned a lot of friends addicted to your songs with this set!! Best wish for the future!!! Bye
    yarr on November 9, 2006
  • Hi Kristina!! it was awesome to have you here in Ecuador, i hope you had a nice time too. It was really great your performance that night. Could you please send me the pictures you took with us, you had really good ones with the girls in white jaja!! I wish you the best and keep having fun as always!!!
    LORE (LOLO) on November 9, 2006
  • Yo Kristina! I've been listening to the stuff you put up online for a little less than a year now, and I've loved just about all of it! You've got a great taste in trance - very mellow and melodic. I live in Atlanta, GA right now, but plan on making it out to Spundae to see you live one of these days! In the meantime, keep rockin' the sets. I can tell you're going places. Peace.
    Cooper Welch on November 6, 2006
    iowe on November 6, 2006
  • Thanks for your Set from Spunoween10.28.06, Look forward to playing it LOUD in my Ride.
    brian on November 3, 2006
  • Kristina, you're absolutely amazing. I downloaded your mixes and now Im listening to ETN to check out more of your work! I am a huge fan, I hope you would consider sending me any productions you finish so that i could put them on the radio here in colorado! It would be an honor! Take care and much Luv -huge fan DJ Silko
    Dj Silko on November 1, 2006

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