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  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Ur mix are soooooooooooo nice!!! They nearly make me fly!!! Ur good!!!!!!! Keep it up!! Keep pleasing my ears and soul!!! Thx!!!
    Didier on February 15, 2007
  • Hi. I just stumbled upon your website and I'm amazed on your sets, they sound great! Keep up the good work Kristina and hope to hear more of your work in the future :) New fan, Sylvia
    Sylvia on February 14, 2007
  • Hope it will work for Rise 2 in Montreal! Can't wait to hear you live! ;) Pierre-Luc Montreal Trance Legion
    Pierre-Luc Bareil on February 9, 2007
  • Thanks 4 rockin my weekend w/ Victor Dinaire + Matt Cerf, Feb 02~04, 2007. I had such a Blast w/ an awesome crowd + support on the Dance Floorz. Will be seeing you soon. -b
    brian on February 7, 2007
  • Keep up the good work.
    Susan on February 2, 2007
  • You do some wicked sets girl, just keep them comming.
    murph on January 30, 2007
  • Ive been on your music. You kep that thang goin n goin. Come home to Nawlins sista!!!! Freakfest 07 BABY!!!!
    Mark on January 27, 2007
  • Hi, I like the music that you mixing. Go on in 2007 Greets from Holland Marco Wllbrink
    Marco on January 25, 2007
  • There Are No Words, Your Name Says It All. Thank You For Your Beautiful DJ Sets, and Posting Them On Your Site. Congratulations on your Much Earned Status and Success, I hear and See That You Are Earning It!!!! Peace & Love Always dj: be-nice
    dj: be-nice on January 21, 2007
  • Hello there, That I really like in your tracks, that you mixe songs that I will never like (as a single), but the result is totaly perfect :) That means you have some "doigts de fée", you have golden fingers :):):). Keep going this way, Greets from france Respectfuly, yarr
    yarr on January 21, 2007

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