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  • Hallo please say me. How do I contact a site's webmaster?
    Enlamitam on February 17, 2008
  • i'm really enjoying your show right now on Trancelate on 2007-12-19 thanks so much & take care. steve in Tallahassee, FL
    Steve on February 13, 2008
  • I would like to know if u have any mix cd;s of your own out in stores right now If so please send me a list 4me to go and purchase Keep the music bangin girlfriend you doing great
    christopher cassese on February 12, 2008
  • Hey Kristina, fantastic sound - I'm lovin it!! Great shows, you have a new Fan now in Switzerland, hehe... :-)) Pity the distance, I would like to join on of those HOT parties so much... Sunny greetz from Heidi-land Eric (NRG)
    NRG (Energy) on January 27, 2008
  • Great show at Forbidden City on Friday Night!! Thanks! TCT
    tc trial on January 22, 2008
  • Whaddup Kristina. I miss the days of yesteryear when we used to chill around the block. Hope we can kick it again someday soon. I'm comin' to see u @ Forbidden. cya soon...Much luv.
    Shanrock on January 17, 2008
  • I listen to your great music allthe time! I miss beign able to see you at allthe LA venues! Chicago would be a better place if you'd perform here!
    Dorothy on January 10, 2008
  • I think I simply love you ;)
    mastarider on December 27, 2007
  • hey kristina! just passing by to say that I loved the sets Ive downloaded from here! you should come to brazil and do some sets here ;] keep up with your great job!
    kIko. on December 26, 2007
  • Hey there Kristina! Just to let you know that I'm your newest fan =) I really love your music. Take care and good luck on your work ;)
    Ricardo (from Portugal) on December 14, 2007

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