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  • Saturday was awesome!! Keep the beats going...
    jP750 on December 15, 2008
  • I saw you spin at Fuzzy Festival 08, I talked to you briefly at Nikita @ Circus Disco, when Randy Boyer and Darude performed, and I saw you spin at Winterfresh 2008! I love your style!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you again at Vanguard this Saturday!!!!
    Wayne aka MAZE on December 10, 2008
  • hey =D i was just wondering if you remember me... i met you at atlantis with my bf Julien and his friend Jeremy "sharoa ayn" i believe u have there card =D i was the one in bright pink lol well other than that i was wanted to tell you that i loved sitting up there with you listening to u mix it up <3 much love -Ana
    Ana Gambino on December 2, 2008
  • hey Kristina, I've been listening to your sets on for a really long time, and most of them were really awesome... Today 29th of November 09, there's another one of your sets played on the ETN, its really amazing, but I can find the tracklist... so I'd be really happy if you could sent it to me :) ... Keep up the good work... See ya, Denis
    Denis Borak on November 29, 2008
  • Hey Kristina.. it's Yechiel. Long time no see or talk... how you been? I'm moving to San Francisco soon. Give me a shout sometime!
    Yechiel on November 19, 2008
  • Hey Kristina! It was great to meet you through Randy Boyer on Saturday @ Circus with Darude. Seriously, you didn't burn me at all. ;-) See you at Winter Fresh, Joanna
    Joanna on November 17, 2008
  • kristina! D Bomb! luv the mixes!
    DjKoRn on September 29, 2008
  • your music are incredible, you take me to a better time in my life.... i love you ... keep on doin what your doin
    rick on September 3, 2008
  • you are the best thanks for signig my shirt at summer love ! you're amazing !!!!! i can't live w/o ur music
    sunshine !!! on September 2, 2008
  • You ROCKED @ Flight OC last night. I told nearly everyone one I knew to come out and listen. Thanks for the smiles :)
    HELLORAVERKITTY on August 25, 2008

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