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  • ((( RYTHMIXX ))) What up KRISTINA... If its possible, I would like to send you a few selection of my CLOTHING LINE.
    David Johe on July 11, 2005
  • You are the BESSTT....
    Tommy on July 6, 2005
  • see u next saturday
    ivan on July 3, 2005
  • ...luv the soound(s)~! Hope you refine your doppler effect perfectionist technique(s) and look forward to quick AIM exchanges over music when you can spare!
    The-Blast-Radius on July 2, 2005
  • Hhe...I'm on the news page :-D :p Thanks!
    Clovis on June 30, 2005
  • nice tune - greetz from germany! strange 2 c "blank" in ur photograps :-) last time i saw him lasts approx. 10 years in more... keep on rockin! strange strange....
    indu on June 26, 2005
  • great music kristina. do you happen to know of a new Aalto track called "Resolution" coming out soon?
    jake on June 24, 2005
  • Hey buddy! I know that i only saw you live once, but it was killer! It was at Primal Trance, i would like to coem and c you play at heaven but im not 18 :( but i will be looking for you name on the underground flyers! :)
    Kayotic Kirk on June 24, 2005
  • hey sis, the cute dj from la with the balls and skills to play vinyl tightly instead of CD's like us pantsies and the charm to win both freak and fan for her, you know what I think of you! I'm sure we'll meet again and hopefully it won't be too long. like I said, if you ever find yourself in holland knock on my door ;-) thnx again for the amazing time I had. say hi to the gang when you read this... luv ya, Thomas
    Thomas on June 24, 2005
  • Hi Kristina, just checking out your site from my brother Jobe's (Together We Stand United We Fall),recommendation. I hope to get to one of your upcoming shows. OK, best wishes, you rock!
    Uriah Giles on June 24, 2005

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