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  • You really have some good taste and smooth mixing. Hope you can make it over here to New Orleans for a show or 2. Take care:) Listening to your live show now!!
    Steve on August 3, 2005
  • Hello.... bueno estoy escuchando un set en este momento, me parece muy bueno y estamos interesado en traerte a Venezuela, ya se esta hablando veamos que pasa!!!!..
    Henry on August 2, 2005
  • Hey! Im 15 and ill be gettin my turntables in a week or 2. I cant wait to play around with them, see what i can do. Anyway, i listened to your mixes, and i loved them! I hope to be a pro DJ someday like you. I hope to see you or meet you some day! Keep makin those awsome mixes!
    christina on August 1, 2005
  • Hello Kristina Sky.I just wanted to let you know that you did a dam good job over there in lyrics this past week in San Bernadino.I remember you at club heaven all those times i went there.I love your style..Keep up the good work and hope to see you at another club...Is there a way that i can buy cd's from you?If so please let me know wassup...thanks...hope to hear from you....take cares....keep up the good work...Peace...
    andrew on July 31, 2005
  • I really like your sound. Greetings from South Europe (Spain) :)
    Guille on July 29, 2005
  • Hmm. Nice to see girls still know how to have fun, plase give my regards to Geilen next time you see him... -DeeJay Lar$ *Norway*
    Deejay Lar$ on July 26, 2005
  • i love ur fuckin music i love how u all party last noght at lyrics was asome thanx so much.
    Bear on July 24, 2005
  • WOW a very beautful lady thats spinns trance wow im impressed id defintly love to spinn with you one day sorry about my spelling
    Joe on July 20, 2005
  • I was browsing your site and saw that you quoted my review of you and Acosta at Heaven. I'm honored :)
    Jeff on July 19, 2005
  • Interesting. You've got a much different vibe than we're used to in Tokyo.
    Jeff Ogrisseg on July 19, 2005

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